Scottish Food and Drink Industry exports

Hi friends,

As we’ve got The Young Innovators Challenge on over at Scottish Institute for Enterprise, I thought you could use some interesting facts to keep your idea-machines going! The YIC has a food and drink category – And as something of a “foodie” (the only polite way I can think of to say that a dozen Krispy Kremes never make it home in my car), I’ve been really excited learning about this, the most delicious of all industries.

So what does the food & drink industry in Scotland sell, and to whom? Well, I started typing out a bunch of facts and figure here, but it wasn’t too exciting! So I’ve made a wee little infographic of the figures instead. As you might expect, our major drink export is whiskey, and our major food export is salmon! Enjoy!

*Note: I’ve spotted an error – The value of food and drink exports to The USA is 817 million or 0.817 billion, NOT 8.17 billion! The figure is correct and the text is not, an extra zero makes a big difference!

Scotland Food & Drink Export