Fresh Ideas competition 2013-2014 is Open!


Hi Friends, here at Scottish Institute for Enterprise our popular New Ideas competition has returned for 2013-2014 as Fresh Ideas and is GO for launch!

Fresh Ideas is perfect for you IF:

  • If you don’t know know a lot about business (Newbies welcome!)
  • If your idea is earlystage
  • If  you are studying in Scotland or recently graduated
  • If you want to increase your business know-how and gain useful skills
  • If you want to win £100 (regional) or £500 (national) or both!

Aye that’s right, you know I’m talking about you 😉 

Fresh ideas is run first by each Scottish Institution with local prizes, with finalists proceeding to the national competition. Finalists will have the opportunity to attend our Start-Up Day in February, a day dedicated to helping you develop your idea, enhancing your skills and build new relationships.

Visit SIE at for full competition info and application details.

Our new online application system will allow you to save your progress as you go.  That means you can: Get an idea jolt (The good kind). Take some time to ponder (possibly in a chair while stroking your chin?). Come back to your application. Progress! Repeat until complete.  Deadline for Entry: November 29th 2013.

Have Questions? Get in Touch! 

You can always find me on twitter at @SIE_OU and on Facebook at our SIE Open University Scotland Group where you’ll find info on regional and social events, competitions and whatever fun things the internet brings me.

Best of luck x