Book Giveaway Winner!


Hi friends,

Quick note to say thanks very much to everyone that entered the bundle of books giveaway!

Congratulations to winner Mark R. Your copies of Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, Dear Entrepreneur and The $100 Startup are all on their way.

Happy Reading!


Book giveaway!

Hi Friends,

SO coursework is still months or weeks away from being over, there is no sign of Spring yet that doesn’t immediately turn into a sign of Winter, and despite it being Easter those woolen coats and hats are still in regular use.

BUT that is no bad thing, it gives you a perfect excuse to get comfortable in a chair with a book and a big mug of tea. What better day for a book? There is no better day! I’ve got a bundle of three encouraging books to giveaway:


The $100 Startup features stories and case studies from a world-traveling entrepreneur (He’s now visited EVERY country on earth). Drive shares the secrets of motivation discovered by four decades of research, use it to your advantage. Dear Entrepreneur is a collection of frank and honest letters from founders that are building and growing as we speak, including Innocent and Sugru.

ENTRY is easy, just send me an email to or leave me a comment to win the bundle!  Enter by 5 April 2013.