Regional events, what’s happening near you


Hi Friends, Scottish Institute for Enterprise have a number of in-house events and competitions that we run each year, such as The Student Enterprise Summit and the New Ventures competition. These are always really popular and well attended, and will always get their own updates!

However, in addition to these we’re also very lucky to have a terrific number of regional events this year. Enterprise interns at institutions all over Scotland have been hard at work creating events for their own areas. Events such as the upcoming Meet The Entrepreneur event in Edinburgh, with a visit to a local successful business, or the Pub Quiz organized in Glasgow last week! As Open University students can be found in every town and community in Scotland, having events that may be a bit nearer to home is a real boost, and there is no event that OU students should feel they are not included in. So this has been a fine start to the year, too much to do and too little time.

Keeping track of all these events will be a challenge, so thankfully the Regional Events page on SIE is listing as many of them as possible. We currently have listings for events in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Some of these are Non-SIE events that have been organized by University or entrepreneurship groups, and with Global Entrepreneurship Week coming this list will be pretty full indeed.

I’ve added these Regional Events to the links in this blog, keep checking back, and if something catches your eye then check it out!