The Young Innovators Challenge 2014


It is our privilege to bring you The Young Innovators Challenge! This competition will  really get you thinking about solutions to social problems in your community.

The YIC is focused on social innovation, ideas that can be applied to current real world social problems. Social issues related to public health, the environment, sustainability or infrastructure to name a few are all of importance in Scotland and the wider world. It is these issues that we are driven to tackle by exploring new ideas and new directions, and this is the focus of The Young Innovators Challenge! 

  • The Young Innovators Challenge 2014 is open to all students studying at apprenticeships, Colleges and Universities in Scotland.
  • There is no upper age limit, don’t let yourself be put off by the ‘Young’ in the title! If you’re a student with an idea, then you are right for us.
  • There are three categories of social innovation: Healthcare and Wellbeing, Green and sustainable energy resources and Smarter communities and infrastructure.
  • 150 first round prizes of £100, these winners will be invited to a special innovation development weekend event.
  • 25 will receive grand prizes of £2500 to work on their ideas over the summer.
  • The YIC is open to individuals or small teams/groups.
  • Complete your entry online by 26th March 2014.
  • You can find full details, links to inspirations, FAQs and more by visiting
  • Any questions or comments? Join the discussion by following me on twitter @SIE_OU

In the next few days/weeks we’ll have discussion about social innovation, highlight some of our favourite success stories and far more to get into the YIC spirit! Please stop by again!

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